
Book of the Week #26

John Jay: Founding Father by Walter Stahr (NY: Hambledom and London, 2005)
"John Jay was a central figure in the early history of the American Republic. A New York lawyer, born in 1745, Jay served his country with the greatest distinction, and was one of the most influential of its Founding Fathers. In this first full-length biography of John Jay in almost 70 years, Walter Stahr brings Jay vividly to life, setting his astonishing career against the background of the American Revolution.
Drawing on substantial new material, Walter Stahr has written a full and highly readable portrait of both the public and private man. It is the story not only of John Jay himself, the most prominent native-born New Yorker of the eighteenth century, but also of his engaging and intelligent wife, Sarah, who accompanied her husband on his wartime diplomatic missions. This lively and compelling biography presents Jay in the light he deserves: as a major Founding Father, a true national hero, and a leading architect of America's future." --Jacket copy
The C-Span Video Library includes a book discussion on John Jay with Stahr.

Walter Stahr lives in Exeter, NH and will be a speaker at the National Book Festival in Washington, DC in September 2013. His new book, Seward: Lincoln's Indispensable Man, will be the focus of that talk.

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