
Mount Kearsarge by Donald Hall

Mount Kearsarge

Great blue mountain! Ghost.
I look at you
from the porch of the farmhouse
where I watched you all summer
as a boy. Steep sides, narrow flat
patch on top –
you are clear to me
like the memory of one day.
Blue! Blue!
The top of the mountain floats
in haze.
I will not rock on this porch
when I am old. I turn my back on you,
Kearsarge, I close
my eyes, and you rise inside me,
blue ghost.

Donald Hall's new and selected poems, White Apples and the Taste of Stone, was published by Houghton Mifflin in 2006. He is the author of more than twenty books of poems as well as children's books, anthologies, essay collections, memoirs, et cetera. His most recent book is Unpacking the Boxes. You can listen to this poem read by Donald Hall.

Poem and photograph are used here with the permission of the poet, all rights reserved.

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