
Book of the Week #16

Strange Terrain: A Poetry Handbook for the Reluctant Reader by Alice B. Fogel (Brookline, NH: Hobblebush Books, 2009)

I have heard from many people recently that they have really enjoyed our online celebration of poetry. However, if you have found the poems more baffling than beautiful, this may be the book for you. Alice B. Fogel, of Acworth, NH, has provided readers with a guidebook to finding your way into the world of poetry.

"It is my belief that everyone can gain from the "news" that poetry brings us. With a bit of instruction, poetry will bring you significant new interactions with the world around you, with ideas and sensations, with yourself and others -- not to mention that it will literally expand your mind: According to a study published in New Scientist, billions of neurons per millisecond light up like Times Square on New Year's Eve whenever we read poetry." (p. 4)

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