
Ladybug Nominee

If You Find a Leaf
by Aimée Sicuro 
(Random House Studio, 2022)

When a child collects fall leaves, a whole world is created as she imagines what a leaf could be. It can be a boat, or a hat, or a hot-air balloon to take you high above the trees. Here is a story that celebrates the fall season and encourages children to let every leaf spark a new idea.

About Aimée Sicuro

Aimée Sicuro knew at an early age she wanted to make things, and spent many years trying to figure out how. She is the illustrator of many books  and her work has appeared in The New York Times, Parent Magazine and many other publications. If You Find A Leaf is her authorial debut. She lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and two young children. Her website is http://www.aimeesicuro.com

Activities & Links

Suggestions for Further Reading
This is one of ten titles nominated for the 2023 Ladybug Picture Book Award.
We will be posting information about a different nominee each Friday throughout the summer and will issue a pdf voters guide featuring all ten titles at Labor Day.

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