

There are tons of book related memes in the blogosphere and I thought it would be fun to play along with one of them here on Book Notes. One of the fun things about memes is that they need not be a long-term commitment, you post them when the mood strikes you. If you want to participate in a meme on your own blog there is a helpful directory to book blog memes hosted at Bookshelf Fantasies.

The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice and the rules are simple:

  • Grab a book, any book 
  • Turn to Page 56 or 56% in your Ereader (If you want to improvise, go ahead!)
  • Find a snippet, but no spoilers!
  • Post the snippet to your blog and add your post url to the Linky at the host site

 Here on NH Book Notes I am adding the rule that the book has to be by a NH author.

From Twenty Five to Life by R. W. W. Greene:

"... passed a boarded-up car rental place, a vacant doughnut shop, and any number of bail bondsman offices before taking another left onto an equally deserted street.In months or years or decades, depending on the budget, the city would raze the entire area to prevent squatters."


fredamans said...

What imagery!! Thank you for participating! Happy weekend!

Kym said...

interesting descriptive passage, really paints the picture. Happy Reading!

Breana M. said...

I like the quote you picked, particularly for the way the details about the setting are written. It makes me want to know where the narrator is going. Have a great weekend!

Literary Feline said...

I like that you are featuring New Hampshire authors. I never would have guessed this was a science fiction novel by reading the excerpt. I hope you have a great weekend!