
Book of the Week (4/5/2021)

Once Upon Another Time by Matt Forrest Esenwine & Charles Ghigna (Minneapolis, MN: Beaming Books, 2021).

NH children's author and illustrator, Matt Forrest Esenwine has paired up with author Charles Ghigna in this stunning and imaginative picture book.

Once upon another time, the world was young and new. If you want to know this world, there's something you can do...With sweeping landscapes and up-close details of the natural world, Once Upon Another Time takes readers through a lyrical exploration of the world as it was before humans made their mark. Contrasting the past with the present, this expansive picture book serves as a warm invitation for children--and all people--to appreciate, explore, and protect the magic and wonder of this planet we call home. --Publisher's blurb

1 comment:

Matt Forrest Esenwine said...

Thanks so much for sharing the news, Felicia - I appreciate it! Although...I'm not an illustrator. Andres Landazabal is the illustrator for our book.