
It's Time for Summer Reading!

NewHampshire’s public libraries are set to soar to new heights and explore new worlds this summer with the help of the 2019 Summer Reading Program theme, “A Universe of Stories.”

Library patrons of all ages will be invited to explore the galaxies – and our home planet – not only through books, magazines, music and movies, but also through activities and programs offered by their libraries, including a variety of celebrations for NASA’s 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11’s historic moon landing.

For many families with children, their public library is the only community space available during the summer months where free educational and cultural activities are available.

The State Library’s “Kids, Books and the Arts” grant program will fund special events by juried performers at libraries across the state, incorporating music, magic, puppetry and storytelling into the “Universe of Stories” theme as a way of making reading even more fun.

Summer reading programming can help children stay motivated to read, maintain their skills during summer vacation and help them develop positive attitudes about reading, books and the library. Program participants are encouraged to read whatever materials they like, including those not directly tied to the “A Universe of Stories” theme.

The New Hampshire State Library promotes excellence in libraries and library services to all New Hampshire residents, by assisting libraries and the people of New Hampshire with rapid access to library and informational resources through the development and coordination of a statewide library/information system; by meeting the informational needs of New Hampshire’s state, county and municipal governments and its libraries; and by serving as a resource for New Hampshire. For more information, visit nh.gov/nhsl.

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