
Ladybug Nominee Profile

Karma Wilson was inspired by a Christmas gift she chose for her agent to create this fun rhyming story about who eats what on the farm. Artist and musician Marcellus Hall created the pictures.

"As a farmer makes his daily rounds, readers learn what he feeds his animals and how often. ... In a twist, readers are reminded after each animal's feeding, "But the cow loves cookies." As the cumulative story progresses, what each creature eats is repeated in successive fashion. "The geese munch corn; it tastes so fine./The hogs think slop is just divine./The dog adores his doggy treats./But Cow would rather eat things sweet.." The story ends with Farmer and Cow sharing cookies and milk. The cleverly rhyming text and pace of the story make it perfect for a read-aloud. The whimsical ink and watercolor illustrations add to the humor. An instant storytime crowd pleaser." School Library Journal review
This is one of the ten titles nominated for the 2011 Ladybug Picture Book Award. Ms. Wilson's work has been nominated before: Bear Snores On (2003) and Moose Tracks! (2007) were past Ladybug Picture Book Award nominees.

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