
Book Event Sampler

Here are some of the book events going on in NH this week.

Tuesday, 3/8/11
  • Hannah Holmes will be at River Run at 7pm talking about Quirk: Brain Science Makes Sense of your Peculiar Personality
  • Gibson's will host Margaret Roach, author of And I Shall Have Some Peace There: Trading in the Fast Lane for my Own Dirt Road at 5:30 (note that the time is earlier than usual)

Thursday, 3/10/11
  • Jennifer Chiaverini will be at Gibson's at 7pm talking about her latest Elm Creek Quilts novel, The Union Quilters
  • Poet Don Kimball is featured at the monthly Hyla Brook Reading on Thursday, March 10, 2011, 6:30-8:30pm. The series, affiliated with the Robert Frost Farm, takes place at BeanTowne Coffee House & Café, on Rte 111 in Hampstead. Also reading is Margaret Bobalek King, a member of the Hyla Brook Poets. The Reading Series is free and open to the public.
  • The Mystery Book Group will meet at 7pm at White Birch Books to discuss The Rhetoric of Death by Judith Rock
Saturday, 3/12/2011
Sunday, 3/13/11

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