Once again, the Center for the Book at the NH State Library is inviting NH students, in grades 4-12, to enter Letters About Literature. To enter, students write to a favorite author—past or present—describing how that author’s work changed your view of the world. You can select a book by any author, living or dead, from any genre—fiction or nonfiction, contemporary or classic. The best letters are from readers who really connected with a book, so write about the book that really spoke to you.
You need to complete the official 2009 entry coupon -- your school or library may have one or you can find it on our website. Be sure to put the name of your school on the entry coupon, because this year The NH Center for the Book will award $50 to the library of the school with the most entries at each competition level, but the school name has to be written (clearly!) on the coupon for it to be counted. Your letter must be postmarked by December 6, 2008.
New Hampshire's winners will be notified in mid-March 2009 and the National Winners will be announced by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress at the end of April 2009.
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