
Book of the Week #21

The French-Canadian Heritage in New England by Gerard J. Brault. (Havover, NH: University Press of New England, 1986)

Published by the University Press of New England, this volume offers an introduction to Franco-American culture including history, language, literature, art, folklore, music, etc. The author integrates his own family history -- his father worked in the Amoskeag Textile Mills in Manchester beginning in 1910 -- with the larger social history of the French in New England.

Communities and organizations throughout New England will be focusing on their French-Canadian roots during 2008 as part of the Quebec 400 celebration.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Since about 25% of people in New Hampshire say that they are of Canadian origin, Franco-American culture should be of great interest.

And thank you for the info about the Quebec 400 celebration... I had no idea.
