


 The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice and the rules are simple:

  • Grab a book, any book 
  • Turn to Page 56 or 56% in your Ereader (If you want to improvise, go ahead!)
  • Find a snippet, but no spoilers!
  • Post the snippet to your blog and add your post url to the Linky at the host site

 Here on NH Book Notes I am adding the rule that the book has to be by a NH author.

From Life Work by Donald Hall:

"For seven weeks of travel I wrote nothing except one hundred and four postcards, a literary form I have never mastered."


  1. Even after so much practice, he hasn't mastered it! An argument for perseverance though. Happy Reading!

  2. Postcards can be hard with so few words to be able to fit. It's like Twitter and 150 characters way back when.... Happy weekend!


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