

Book of the Week (3/27/2023)

Magnificat by Russell Rowland (Encircle Publications, 2023)

In Magnificat, his second full-length poetry collection, Russell Rowland “magnifies,” in the traditional sense, that spiritual presence embodied by the hills and lake country of New Hampshire. Topography, habitats, and seasons provide abundance, as well as a healing renewal of life for the author. All this he celebrates in Magnificat, recalling the lines of poet William Stafford: "At sight of angels or anything unusual, you are to mark the spot with a cross."

Seven-time Pushcart Prize nominee Russell Rowland writes from New Hampshire’s Lakes Region, where he has judged high-school Poetry Out Loud competitions. His work appears in Except for Love: New England Poets Inspired by Donald Hall (Encircle Publications), and Covid Spring, Vol. 2 (Hobblebush Books). Magnificat is his second full-length poetry book. His most recent poetry book, Wooden Nutmegs (2020), is also available from Encircle Publications. He is a grandfather and a trail maintainer at the Castle in the Clouds.-- Publisher's blurb

Join Russell Rowland at Gibson's Bookstore on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 4:30pm!

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