

Book of the Week (10/17/2022)

Late Wonders: New & Selected Poems by Wesley McNair (David R. Godine Publisher, 2022)

Wesley McNair's story-like poems have long celebrated eccentrics and misfits, the hopeful and the lost, with a tenderness that transcends the everyday. This career-spanning collection brings together his very best poems from the past four decades alongside his newest poems.

Since the publication of his first book in the early 1980s, Wesley McNair has earned a reputation as a poet of place, an intimate observer of the speech and character of New England. In fact, McNair's "place" is unlimited, as he proves in the lucid, far-ranging poems of this volume. "Whole lives fill small lines," wrote Donald Hall of McNair's work. He is truly, as Philip Levine wrote, "One of the great storytellers of contemporary poetry."

Late Wonders: New & Selected Poems includes "The Long Dream of Home" the complete trilogy of McNair's masterful, long narrative poems written over the last thirty years: "My Brother Running," "Fire," and "Dwellers in the House of the Lord."

This is a collection for anyone who believes mixing a little sorrow and little comedy makes for poetry that moves the heart. --Publisher's blurb

Join NH poet Wesley McNair at Gibson's Bookstore on Thursday, November 3rd, 2022, at 6:30 pm where he will be discussing his newest volume of verse!

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