An engaging and well-illustrated history of the covered bridges in New Hampshire, featuring historical photos of each bridge paired with color images.
The author partnered with bridgewrights, timber framers, bridge engineers, historical societies, town offices, libraries, state and national organizations, and community members to compile extensive histories of each bridge. There are over 60 authentic covered bridges in New Hampshire; 46 of which are over a century old. These bridges exist today solely because of the efforts of a small but powerful community who both recognized their significance and honored their tradition. These covered bridges are an integral part of the fabric of New Hampshire’s history, but each bridge has its own story to tell. Some have stood sentry over their waterways without incident; others have risen like a phoenix from the ashes after a tragedy took them down.
The covered bridges serve as touchstones, providing a link from here to there and from then to now. These are their stories. --Publisher's blurb
Join NH author Kim Varney Chandler at Toadstool Bookshop in Peterborough, NH on Saturday, October 29, 2022 at 11:00 am where she will be discussing her new book!
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