
WriMo Q&A: Peggy Jaeger

Peggy Jaeger
Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I’ve lived in NH since 1994. I write contemporary romance and mysteries–non-romantic type. I will be having my first two romance novels published in 2015 by the Wild Rose Press, titled Skater's Waltz and There’s No Place Like Home.
What inspired you to take on NaNoWriMo? 
I did it last year and it was a wonderful way to stay focused and motivated on a daily basis. The 30
day time frame is a short-lived but effective way to stay dedicated to a simple writing task.The 50,000 word goal was also a factor, since most of my work ranges from 65,000-100,000 words.
Please tell us a little about your plan for the month. 
I work outside the home 3 days per week so I usually write for an hour in the morning and then as much
as I can  manage at night. The days I am off work (4) I usually try to get in 3-4 hours per day. During NANOWRIMO, I still write on the work days the same way, but on my off days I bump that up to stretches of 8-12 hrs if possible. This isn’t straight time – I’d get an embolus in mylegs if I sat that long! But it adds up to a daily total of somewhere between 8 and 12hrs.
If you have done this before what did you learn from your previous experiences? 
I learned that having short term goals is a fabulous motivator for me to write. I write very well on a deadline.
What about NaNoWriMo are you most looking forward to this year? 
The story I am thinking of writing. I love the outline I have in my head and I can’t wait to see if I can translate it to the page.
What advice do you have to offer other WriMos? 
Be committed. Set the goal, set a clock, set some time away each and every day. After November 30, this will be a habit and you will find yourself WANTING to write everyday, and you will.
To learn more about Peggy Jaeger's work visit http://peggyjaeger.com where you will find links to follow her on Facebook and Twitter.  

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