
NaNoWriMo: Pelham Public Library

Today's NaNoWriMo guest post was written by Rebecca Crockett, Adult Services, Pelham Public Library.

Pelham Library supports National Novel Writing Month this November
PelhamPublic Library is hosting a month-long celebration of National Novel Writing Month, known to those in the trade as NaNoWriMo. For veterans and newcomers alike, this is an exciting time for writers looking to translate all of the amazing ideas in their heads to words on the page. The goal, ostensibly, is for writers to pen 50,000 words – the average number of words in a novel – within the 30 days of November. Some may aim higher, some lower, what matters is working toward and meeting your goals as a writer.

The library will be holding a series of programs, including a kick-off event, evening “write-ins,” and a wrap party to celebrate writers’ achievements. Many Wrimos won’t write anywhere near 50,000 words – and that’s OK. What we’re looking to do more than anything is create an encouraging space where writers can come together and feed off the creative energies of other writers, forge connections and keep their dedication to the written word going strong.

Where do public libraries come in?
The link between libraries and literacy has always been substantial, and even now when more focus is placed on emerging technologies, public librarians are still committed to doing our part to ensure that promoting literacy remains an important part of public service. This means supporting not only readers, but writers too!

Despite the so-called shrinking of the publishing world, more books are being published than ever before. Writers also have more options: they can take the traditional publishing route or strike it on their own as an independent author. With more people using smartphones, tablets and eReaders to devour their media, these authors now have more opportunities than ever to get their works out to the public.

Whether a writer is looking to publish or not, they still need a time and a place to get their words out, and this is exactly what Pelham Library is hoping to provide – by offering a little encouragement and a setting filled with kindred spirits working to keep each other motivated!

NaNoWriMo Events at the Pelham Library
The Pelham Public Library’s schedule of events is as follows:

NaNoWriMo Kick-Off  (Sat Nov 1, 12-2pm) Writers can come, meet and mingle, share their ideas or works in progress and take the opportunity to begin their first words toward their NaNoWriMo 2014 goal.

NaNo Nights (Thurs Nov 6, 13 & 20, 6-8pm) The library will offer writing prompts and the opportunity for writers to “Read Out!” sections of their work. Writers can also simply come and be with other writers while they work toward their word-count goals. (No meeting on Thanksgiving.)

 “TGIO!” Wrap Party (Saturday December 6, 12-2 pm) “TGIO” stands for ‘thank goodness it’s over’ – which is exactly how writers will feel after a month-long writing blitz (along with an enormous sense of satisfaction, of course!). Writers can share successes, commiserate over setbacks, and generally celebrate the massive achievement of “surviving NaNoWriMo.” It is set to correspond with the final day of New Hampshire Writers Week (Nov 30 – Dec 6).

For more information, please contact Rebecca Crockett, Adult Services: rcrockett@pelhamweb.com. To find out more about different “write-ins” in your area, click here.

 If your library is supporting NaNoWriMo this year please leave a comment letting us know about your plans!

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