
NH Poetry: Early Settlement and Other Poems

Barbara Bald recommends a book by Charles Churchill. 
"Early Settlement and Other Poems gives us a glimpse of what day-to-day existence might have been like for residents of rural New England towns before the Industrial Revolution altered their agrarian way of life. Using his poetic imagination to reflect on old cellar holes and stone walls, poet Charles Churchill helps us feel the joys, sorrows, nobility and desperation befitting that time period. The expressive language he uses harks back to that of earlier poets like Keats, Yeats and Frost." --Barbara Bald 
Barbara Bald lives in Alton, NH. Her two newest books are Drive-Through Window and Running on Empty. Her poems have been published in a variety of anthologies: The Other Side of Sorrow, The 2008 and 2010 Poets’ Guide to New Hampshire and For Loving Precious Beast. They have appeared in The Northern New England Review, Avocet, Off the Coast and in multiple issues of The Poetry Society of New Hampshire’s publication: The Poets’ Touchstone. 

This post is part of our celebration of National Poetry Month 2013 for which I asked New Hampshire poets and booksellers to recommend books of poetry by Granite State poets. These titles are generally available from local booksellers and may be held in public libraries as well.

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