
Book of the Week #50

Baby by Joseph Monninger (Asheville, NC: Front Street, 2007)

Joseph Monninger has published eleven novels and three non-fiction books and lives in New Hampshire. This young adult novel was awarded the 2008 award for best children’s literature from the Peace Corps Writers. It was also chosen as a top ten book by YALSA, a division of the American Library Association.

"The girl's first-person voice, the backdrop, and the details work together well to set this story apart from the many in which troubled teens find solace in animals." —Booklist

"The prose style is spare, evoking the harsh winter landscape." —Kirkus Reviews

Baby is a teenager in trouble, and her last chance is a foster home with a couple whose idea of fun is dog sledding. Still, it beats going to the juvenile detention center. Over time, Baby comes to love the dogs and takes naturally to sledding, but when her old boyfriend, Bobby, shows up, she can't stop herself from running off with him, accidentally taking a puppy along. In no time at all, life with Bobby goes bad and Baby has to make some hard decisions about what she's going to do.

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