

Ladybug Voting & Promotional Materials

The 2024 Ladybug Picture Book Award Voting and Promotional Materials are now available!

Voting materials, including picture ballots, paper tally sheets, as well as an online tally sheet, are available on the Ladybug web page, here

NEW THIS YEAR: Printable Ladybug Coloring Pages! Spread the excitement about the upcoming Ladybug Award by distributing coloring pages to children (and adults!) this Summer and Fall! Show us the creativity of your patrons & staff by tagging Facebook & X (Twitter) posts with #NHLadybug.

We will be posting information about a different Ladybug nominee each Friday throughout the Summer and will issue a pdf voters guide featuring all the titles at Labor Day. A post about the first Ladybug nominee went out on Friday, June 21, 2024.

New Hampshire children, from preschool to third grade, will select the winning picture book when they vote in November 2024. The deadline for sending in votes is Sunday, December 22, 2024 at 11:30 pm.

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