

Book of the Week (3/4/2024)

The Dog Who Ate the Vegetable Garden & Helped Save the Planet by Margaret Hurley (Guernica World Editions, 2019)

Using idiosyncratic broken sentences, a cross-genre stream-of-consciousness
narrative told by a cheeky vegan dog named Dori—a
real dog—whose zany and opinionated take on humans’ treatment
of animals is ironic, quirky, funny, sad, maddening, and deadly
relevant. Autobiography, history, and science are woven into the
narrator’s adventures to reveal and explain the destructive effects of eating animal flesh and secretions on humans and animals, and on the planet--that farming and slaughtering trillions of animals for food, annually, is the leading cause of environmental destruction (including Global Warming) and that eating animals causes the vast majority of debilitating and deadly illnesses in humans.-- Publisher's blurb

About the author:

Margaret (Meg) Hurley is an eco-feminist, animal-rights activist and vegan. She is a graduate of Wellesley College, and lives in New Hampshire with her husband (retired attorney), who is also an animal-rights activist and vegan.

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