

Book of the Week (5/8/2023)

Growing Up in Concord, New Hampshire: Boomer Memories from White's Park to the Capitol Theater by Kathleen D. Bailey & Sheila R. Bailey (History Press, 2023)

In the 1950s and 1960s Concord was technically a city, but it more closely resembled a small town. Remote from the larger world, change was slow to arrive, the stunning death of a popular young President, and a war that would tear the country apart and reassemble it as something nobody recognized.

But those innocent decades were a seemingly endless summer, and young residents reveled in it. Riding bikes through the National Guard Armory grounds, hitching a snowy slide on the back of a mail truck and walking barefoot to the corner store for a Coke from the big red cooler. Entertainment was always free, from the Nevers Band to amateur fashion shows. --Publisher's blurb

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