'The Justice Seeker' is a western coming of age story with fresh twists that include Hopi culture and mysticism, Jewish rituals, and one powerful supernatural presence. It is set during the late nineteenth century, at a time when settlers who came to Flagstaff, Arizona in search of a quick fortune resorted to stealing Hopi land and settling disputes at the point of a gun.Tal Wilson, fourteen year-old son of the new sheriff, grew up respecting the law until his best friend, Two Feathers, is killed in cold blood by the spineless Davis brothers. Filled with bitterness and hungry for revenge, Tal dedicates himself to becoming a top hand with a Colt pistol. Over the course of two decades, he searches continually for the two murderers, while his personal growth reflects teachings of a Hopi shaman, budding affection for a young Jewish woman, and his studies at Yale Law School. Only Tal can decide whether avenging his friend will take precedence over a promising law career and life with the young Jewish woman he loves. --Publisher's blurb
Join NH author Mark Okrant at Gibson's Bookstore on Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 6:30 pm where he'll discuss his newest novel.
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