


  The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice and the rules are simple:

  • Grab a book, any book 
  • Turn to Page 56 or 56% in your Ereader (If you want to improvise, go ahead!)
  • Find a snippet, but no spoilers!
  • Post the snippet to your blog and add your post url to the Linky at the host site

 Here on NH Book Notes I am adding the rule that the book has to be by a NH author.

From Lake People by Abi Maxwell:

"He said, "A gun. I would like a gun and I would like to learn how to shoot it." 



  1. NH? New Hampshire? I've not visited before, I need context. Oh wait. Your heading. Got it. The quote needs a lot of explaining, doesn't it. Why does he need a gun and learn to shoot?

  2. Who needs a gun in NH?! ;-) Happy weekend!

  3. Apparently a lot of people do -- NH has the fifth largest number of registered guns per capita in the nation (according to


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