With summer nearing its end, I found it most appropriate to feature a book reminiscing about one of New Hampshire's most beloved summer activities; summer camp!
Helen Stokes Greven, author of "Let Her Strong and Ageless Be" describes her process, and the resources utilized to compile such a complete history of the Hebron, NH summer camp in her book:
"I started writing this history in the summer of 2000, after many months of collecting the necessary written and oral information. The early part of this history was compiled from old brochures, camp “logs”, letters, diaries, photographs, interviews with campers from the 1920s and 1930s, (some very good oral history interviews were done in the 1980s when the idea of an Onaway history first came into being), with particular gratitude for the written historical and personal memories of Henry Hollister about his mother’s time as Director. For the later years Trustee Minutes and correspondence, the Onaway Circle Newsletter, Director Sermons and summer and winter reports, some counselor binders of summer schedules and activities, the C.O.D. Notebooks, Song Books, Birch Bark Box contributions, have added greatly appreciated information."--Camp Onaway website
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