

Ladybug Nominee

Bunny's Book Club by Annie Silvestro, illustrated by Tatjana Mai-Wyss (New York, NY: Doubleday, 2017)
Summer is over and storytime has moved inside the library and Bunny can no longer hear the tales he has grown to love.  Bunny begins sneaking into the library at night to read all the books he can. When his forest friends discover his absence, they join him on the night visits to the library. Join these adorable creatures as they are caught by the librarian and then welcomed to continue with their love of reading at the library.

About Annie Silvestro
As stated on her website (, author Annie Silvestro is a lover of books who reads and writes as much as possible and can often be found shuffling piles of them around so she has a place to sit or someplace to put her teacup. Her picture books include Bunny's Book Club, illustrated by Tatjana Mai-Wyss (Doubleday), Mice Skating, illustrated by Teagan White (Sterling, Fall 2017), and The Christmas Tree Who Loved Trains, illustrated by Paola Zakimi (HarperCollins, Fall 2018). Annie lives by the beach in NJ with her husband and two boys who like to read, and a cat who does not.

About Tatjana Mai-Wyss

An illustrator and teacher born in Switzerland, Tatjana Mai-Wyss now lives in South Carolina, but still enjoys traveling the world and hopes to do more in the future. She loves to read and draw, especially with colored pencils. She also enjoys painting in watercolors. She loves the challenges received from the variety of book and magazines she creates for.


Library Card: Have the children make or decorate their own library cards. 

Bunny Stamp-Fine Motor Preschool Activity: 

The Bunny-Pokey [Tune:"Hokey-Pokey"]

You put your bunny ears in,
You put your bunny ears out,
You put your bunny ears in
and you wiggle all about.
You do the bunny-pokey,
and you hop yourself around,
That’s what it’s all about!
You put your bunny nose in….
You put your bunny tail in…
You put your bunny foot in…
You put your whole self in…


This is one of ten titles nominated for the 2018 Ladybug Picture Book Award. This info sheet post was created by Deborah Dutcher, Youth and Adult Services Librarian, NHSL.

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