

Book of the Week (8/14/2017)

Founding of a Coven and Other Stories of New England's Dark Side by T.G. Roettiger (Authorhouse, 2017).

T. G. Roettiger will be discussing and signing his debut story collection at the Toadstool Bookshop in Keene, NH on Saturday, August 19, 2017 at 2 pm.
Founding of a Coven is T.G. Roettiger's first collection of stories. All of the stories take place in early 20th century New England. Residents of the region will recognize many landmarks in these stories. The stories range from "Watcher and Keeper". a tale with a Lovecraftian bent, about the real reason Lake Warren in East Alstead, New Hampshire, was created, to the title story which is an alternate history with a dark side. In between are "Brothers" and "Blues" which ask the question, "Who is the real monster?" And, finally, "Spectacles" which is a cautionary tale about spiteful action and its consequences. -- Publisher's blurb
His author's bio states: "Moving to Alstead in 2006 he and his wife bought a house built around the 1850s that has the reputation of being haunted. Though an avowed skeptic, many things have been seen and heard that defy explanation including the voice of what is known as “the woman.” In spite of his skepticism, he has had a life long interest in the paranormal and cryptozoology, and has a hard time passing an abandoned house without at least a peek inside." I feel the same way!

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