

Book of the Week (8/22/2016)

A Child is Missing: Searching for Justice: a True Story by Karen Beaudin (Mustang, Oklahoma : Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2016.)
"A Child is Missing: Searching for Justice is the result of six years of research and interviews done by Karen Beaudin, sister of murdered victim Kathy Lynn Gloddy. Brutally beaten, raped, strangled, and run over by a vehicle, Kathy was left naked in the woods three miles from her home on November 21, 1971. Still searching for answers, Karen attempts to gather information about Kathy's murder from law enforcement, forensics and medical professionals, and classmates. Karen, driven by truth and justice, researched medical terms, people, places, and dates, looking for answers. A child is missing: searching for justice is a heartfelt and insightful look into the long reaching effects of a major loss to a family. What this book shows us is that although the police's investigation may have come to an end the families does not. Without finding out the truth and bringing closure to the incident it can tear a family apart. This book sees the family take steps forward consulting forensic and investigative experts to give them an insight to new evidence and re-examine evidence that may have been overlooked through the original investigation. Consulting with Karen on this book has been a perceptive experience that has re-enforced for me that there is a need for police departments to establish and invest in cold case investigative teams. This book should leave the reader and anyone involved in the criminal justice process with one clear thought --- 'The investigation only ends when the truth is revealed'. (Harry J. Smy, Course Lead and Lecturer: Forensic Science, City of Westminster College, London)"--Back cover
Karen Beaudin will be at Gibson's Bookstore at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, August 26th, 2016 for a book signing, and to talk about "A Child is Missing: Searching for Justice".
Karen Beaudin will be at The Franklin Public Library at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 27th, 2016 for a book signing, and to talk about "A Child is Missing: Searching for Justice".

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