

You Be the Rain by Rick Agran

you be the rain and I’ll be a puddle’s surface

you be the quiet and I’ll be the chickadee at 4 a.m.
a black-capped declaration at dawn

you be the earth and I’ll be the beet glowing in the ground
the ant sowing a thistle seed

you be the wind and I’ll be your hair blowing behind you
the candle ha-ha-ing behind the wavery glass

you be the fire and I’ll be the beech twig, the pine needle
a wisp of perfumed smoke rising

Rick Agran grew up in Brookline, NH. He has worked in the woods and in a lumber mill, sold brass and copper jewelry and vegetables at Seattle's Pike Place Market, taught about nature at Otter Lake Conservation School, washed dishes and cooked fancy soup at the Blue Strawbery, worked as a farmer, and taught lots of people to read and write. His favorite swimming holes are on the Cockermouth River and the East Branch of the Saco. He has written two books: a collection of poems called Crow Milk, and Pumpkin Shivaree, a picture book for children. He co-edited Under the Legislature of Stars: 62 New Hampshire Poets.
Photo by Raya Bodnarchuk. Poem and photo used with permission of the poet.


  1. Rick's love poems remind me of the best of e.e. cummings--earthy, lusty, ecstatic. They remind one what it is like to be in love, even perhaps after decades of marriage.

    His words are a breeze reawakening love's embers. (That's the best I can do. I'm sure Rick would produce something much finer.)

  2. what a beautiful poem! Thank you Rick!!

  3. What beautiful images--a soothing meditation in this loud, loud world. Thank you.

  4. Beautiful Rick...something moving about the simplicity. Oh-love the tie too!!

  5. ooooo! I love this one Rick! I can imagine it set to music.

    Pat Fargnoli

  6. Rick,
    This is how I feel living on the edge of deep wood with a bubbling Brook in my backyard here in Maine.

    I can see the image of your words so smoothly in my mind, I think it would be interesting to make a video montage from your poem.


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