In an announcement about the events her library will be hosting, Shay Favata, Director of Nichols Memorial Library reminded us why libraries are important:
"In today’s economy, libraries offer free resources like books, magazines, DVD’s, computers and WiFi access to help people find jobs and learn new skills. Patrons of all ages can do better in school, tackle projects and learn new ways to improve their health. What makes the library unique is access to trained staff to help people find and interpret the information they need to make a difference in their lives. Our libraries also help keep us connected, providing a space for people of all ages, classes and races to come together, while keeping us connected to events and people around the world. It’s where people can keep up with world events or research where to volunteer locally."Libraries throughout New Hampshire will celebrate by hosting special programs and events. For the next six days I will be posting a sampler of events being held at libraries in the Granite State during National Library Week.

Here is a sample of the week-long events going on at New Hampshire libraries during the week of April 12-18, 2009. Be sure to visit your local library and check out what's happening there!
- All week the Concord Public Library will host a Scavenger Hunt in the Children's Room. Find out how well you know the library. Drop by the Children’s Room any day that week to complete a game sheet and win a prize! They will also be creating a one-of-a-kind
Community Tapestry on the Main floor of the library. In the spirit of National Library Week’s theme, “Worlds Connect at Your Library,” together we will weave a symbol of the connections between all of us in our community. No special talent required—just stop by and be part of the project! - Gilford Public Library is having a week long party celebrating NLW in their new building. There will be a banner over the front door and balloons and flowers at the circ desks. Freebies every day (while supplies last) Marvelous Monday—magnets with GPL logo and hours open; Tasty Tuesday—homemade cookies; Wild Wednesday—variety of items that are ‘wild'—library style—removable tattoos that say READ, catch the reading bug balloons, gel wrist bands that say READ etc. ; Thankful Thursday—mints in wrapper that says Thank You; Free Friday—fines forgiven or if no fines, plastic bag that says NLW;
Super Saturday—bookmarks w/GPL on them and various rubber stamps. The Friends Gift Shop is running a contest to name their new shop and will be open expanded hours. Also, they will be having a sale on books--$5 a bag. The Children’s Room theme is Bugs that week and they will have trading cards—one for each day, with a different bug on them with info plus a children’s book—Example: spider will be Charlotte’s Web. - Each weekday morning during National Library Week from 6:30-8:30am the Merrimack Public Library will offer commuters and other early birds free coffee and donuts to go. The public access internet computers will also be available for use.
- National Library Week = Fine Free Week at the Dunbar Library (Grantham)
There will be NO fines on items you return from April 12th to April 18th will no matter how overdue they are/were. (Fines already in place don't disappear). - The Goodwin Library (Farmington) will be doing raffles for books during National Library week.
- All week long at Dover Public Library there will be “Peeps Show” dioramas on display (winners announced on Friday, April 17.); DHS Student Art Work on display; Friends of the Library Annual Membership Campaign with a $10 coupon book given to new
members; and a continuous booksale---Prices $1-$3. - There will be a raffle at Manchester City Library for tickets to the Red Sox/Yankees game on Friday, April 24 (Limo ride Included). Tickets are $50 and only 200 are available.
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