- Wednesday, April 15 at 10am at the Concord Public Library The Shoestring Puppets will present a special Family Story Hour with a puppet show in the Library Auditorium. The show will feature some favorite stories as well as some little-known surprises!
- The Shoestring Puppets will repeat their special National Library Week show at the Penacook Branch of the Concord Public Library on Wednesday, April 15 at 6:30pm for an evening of family fun!
- Wednesday, April 15 at 7pm. Banjos, Bones and Ballads, a music program with Jeff Warner in the Concord Public Library Auditorium. Traditional songs, rich in local history and a sense of place, present the latest news from the distant past. They help us to interpret present-day life with an understanding of the working people who built our country. Tavern songs, banjo tunes, 18th century New England hymns, sailor songs, and humorous stories about traditional singers and their songs highlight this informative program.
- On Wednesday, April 15 at 7pm at the Merrimack Public Library the Monthly
Book Group will meet to discuss The Madonnas of Leningrad by Debra Dean. This is the third in a four-part series themed "Family Fiction" - Wednesday April 15, 6:00 to 8:30 PM at Manchester City Library Foundation Spring Fundraiser- Book Launch with Jane Cleland. The seventh annual Spring fundraiser will feature special guest author Jane Cleland. Ms. Cleland will be launching her new book, Killer Keepsakes, the latest Josie Prescott antique mystery set on the seacoast of New Hampshire. The evening will include an interview of Ms. Cleland by Rebecca Rule. Come join us for a lively evening of great food and wine with fellow library supporters. The event is $50 per person and registration begins the week of March 9th. If you cannot attend the event but would still like a signed copy of Ms. Cleland's new book, stop by the information desk at the main library. Killer Keepsakes can be purchased for $24.95. Make checks payable to the Manchester City Library Foundation. You can then pick up your signed copy beginning April 16th.
- "Tea Talk” @ 4pm on Wednesday, April 15th at Nichols Memorial Library (Kingston) with Brenda Kathleen Ghorashi, from “AntiquiTeas”
- On Wednesday, April 15 at 6:30pm the Weeks Public Library (36 Post Road, Greenland, NH) will host Silver Lake Summers: E. E. Cummings Revue. This original presentation explores the life and work of American poet and painter, Edward Estlin Cummings, a lifelong summer resident of Silver Lake in New Hampshire. The largest collection of Cummings’ papers is housed at Harvard University and contains letters, diaries, manuscripts, notebooks, and sketchbooks. These materials. along with his published works, form the basis for Silver Lake Summers. Visual motifs are taken from Cummings’ paintings and the environment at Silver Lake. The structure and tone of the presentation reflect the same inventive and experimental atmosphere of early 20th century literature and art which influenced Cummings himself. Refreshments served. For information on this and all Weeks Library programs, call 603-436-8548.
Occasional notes on New Hampshire's book community from the Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library
National Library Week Events for Wednesday 4/15/2009
Here is a sampling of events going on in New Hampshire libraries on Wednesday, April 15, 2009. Be sure to visit your local library and check out what's happening there!
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