

Notes from my Inbox

There have been a number of interesting book-related items in my email recently:

  • Poet Stephen Redic has a poetry reading at the Candia Historical Society on Tuesday, March 24 at 7 pm. He will read from his new book, tell the stories behind his work, and take any questions. For more information, you can contact Norma Lewis at 603-483-2350. The event is on Rt 27 in Candia, NH at the Historical Society.

  • Borders "has long supported the cause of literacy and learning and strives to recognize each teacher, homeschooler, professor, religious educator, and school and public librarian’s efforts to share the love of books and knowledge with their students through our Educator Appreciation Week event. We honor your hard and rewarding work with an “apple” of our own by welcoming teachers and librarians Thursday, March 19 – Wednesday, March 25. You’ll enjoy a 25% savings on personal and library purchases of books, CDs, DVDs, cafe items, gifts & stationery and more* when you bring in your current Classroom or Educator Discount Card, educator ID or pay stub."

  • Red River Theater (Concord) will be showing The Hollywood Librarian: A Look at Librarians through Film (96 min/Canada/2007) in the Screening Room, April 12-18, (tickets on sale April 1). "This film is being shown in conjunction with National Library Week, April 12-18, in partnership with the Concord Public Library. The first full-length documentary film to focus on the work and lives of librarians. Using the entertaining and appealing context of American movies, the film holds some surprises for people who may think they know what librarians do."

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